St. Patrick’s Day Math Logic Puzzle
I love solving brain puzzles - particularly when they involve math. Today I have one that you can give to your students to solve in celebration of St. Patrick's Day.
Here's a quick summary of how it works:
Each St. Patrick's Day item pictured has a price. The items are arranged in a 5 x 5 square grid. The sum of the items in each column and the sum of the items in each row are given. Students have to use these column and row totals in order to determine the price of each of the five items (prices are only in whole numbers). Students will also use that information to solve for the sum totals of the last column and row.
Click here to get your copy of this St. Patrick's Day Puzzle (with an answer key). I have placed two copies on each page so that you can save on paper when printing.
Tip for using in class: I enjoy having "Problem of the Week" challenges. I'll give each student a copy of the puzzle on Monday. They have until Friday morning (before the first class starts) to submit their answers to me. I'll check over their answers throughout the day. At the end of the day, I'll announce everyone who solved the challenge correctly and enter all of those students into a raffle drawing. I'll pick out a name and award a prize (like a pencil, sticker, homework pass etc). They love the incentive of potentially winning something!
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Are you looking for other fun St. Patrick's Day themed games and activities to keep your students learning? Check out these top sellers from our TpT store!