Adding Fractions Bump Game Freebie

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Bump games are one of the my favorite types of games for the classroom.  I've got lots of different versions for math and ELA bump games in my store.  From the teachers' standpoint, they take a minimal amount of effort to prepare.  From the kids' standpoint, they're a lot of fun because of the basic game strategy involved.

In case, you've never played any bump games before, here's the basic gist of how to play (you may want to look at the images on this page to get a sense of what a sample game board looks like):

  1. The first player rolls two dice and adds the two numbers together. Then, the player finds the problem that corresponds to that sum and solves to find the answer.

  2. The player looks for the answer on one of the game board spaces.

    • If the space has no counters on it, the player places his/her counter on that space.

    • If the space has one of the other player's counters on it, the player can bump off the other player's counter and replace it with his/her own.

    • If the space already has his/her own counter on it, the player can place a second counter on that space. When two of a player's counters are on a space, they can no longer get bumped off. The player has locked in that space.

  3. Players continue taking turns until one player is able to get all of his/her counters onto the game board.

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Kids just love "bumping" each other off of the game board in pursuit of victory!

One of the great features about the bump games I've created is that I've differentiated them for different levels.  For example, my Adding Fractions Bump Games Freebie comes with two different versions: one for adding fractions with the same denominator and one for adding fractions with different denominators.  In many of my other bump games, you'll find 10-12 differentiated versions which range from a very basic level to a very advanced level of that skill.  Teachers love that all of their students get a chance to play!

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Want to give these bump games a try in your classroom?  

Download our Free Adding Fractions Bump Games and our Free Subtracting Fractions Bump Games on Teachers Pay Teachers!


Equivalent Fractions ‘Spoons’ Game


Contraction Eggs